We’ve created a cover for IKEA’s Månstad that's easy to slip on while letting you take advantage of its best features - the sofa bed and storage.
Focus on Månstad
Månstad is a practical and very popular sofa bed from IKEA with a chaise-longue section that can be added either to the left or right side of the sofa. In addition to having a bed, there is also a storage unit inside the sofa for bed sheets or other items. When you first buy a Månstad, the covers will be sewn on (i.e., non-removable). A Bemz cover for your Månstad will have separate pieces for the seat, back cushions and frame which you can simply slip over the sofa’s existing upholstery. Most importantly, thanks to a lot of ingenuity and some handy velcro in all the right places, you can still access both the bed function and storage space.
How the cover works